Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Confessions of a Mature Gay - Not an Auto BI ography but a Auto GAY ography :-)

The usage of the adjective "mature" here is strictly in a relative sense. I don't think I m fully mature and maturity is always a horizon beyond the grasp of every human being. Even the person who is living his/her longest life-span on earth has some maturity gained with every passing day.

For many, homosexuality is a perversion. For some, a stop-gap arrangement till they taste the real sex. For quite a lot of cheats in the world, it is just a vent for their suppressed orgies which a woman would not tolerate in her bed. For a countable few in which I am proud to get identified with, its an alternate life-style, just an off-the-crowd sexual preference.

The first bottleneck which a gay faces while coming out is the host of filthy reasons attributed to this otherwise strange behavior in the names of Hormone imbalance and Genetic disorders which have sense only for the nerds doing their research in scientific laboratories and no relevance to the future of the gay-boy. If you have an on-demand solution to fix it, you may be welcome, else please do not smudge us with all these dirts and stop looking at us like victims of a strange infectious disease.

To quote my previous post, my childhood fantasies on seeing nude bodies only resulted in the attraction for male and doesn't went to the extent of calling for a sex change. I am quite masculine with no inclination towards cross-dressing. I became a prey to my classmates desperately looking for girl friends or couldn't be patient till their marriage. For many of my friends of this world, the kick-off was a result of child abuse which fortunately didn't happen to me.

I lied. Lied to me, Lied to my heart and lied to my soul that those who pounced on my body are those who loved me. The reality was quite far from it. A man knows another male body's requirement. Its true for the other gender also. Opposite genders can compliment each other in the organs but not in the sexual needs. That is the reason why the unsatiated bi-sexuals in the disguise of gays hunt for us. I confess I ve done it but I swear I ll not do it again. I didn't do it intentionally but I was cheated. Not another time the faces of their poor wives and children who have done no harm to anyone will linger in my mind during and after such an encounter.

Just like other guyz dating gals, I ve dated guyz but they needed my body but didn't even have patience or time to listen to my heart. I am not just blaming the bi-sexuals even gay friends. Just like a person stepping into a middle age start seeing his wife beyond her body and as an eternal companion not just in this life but also in the lives to come. I am also looking for a sweet-heart with whom I can share everything in my life : my joys, my sorrows and my anger ( ofcourse with the condition dat I ll share his).


Unknown said...

Just like the sun sparkles gold on earth, daily enhancing it's natural beauty, we learn n grow each morning.
Life is beautiful for all, whether gay or so called 50-50 OR straight.
and we are human beings to have natural inclination towards natural phenomenons. To get attracted to some one and think of him/her is normal.
Vibhu looking foward to read more.
with style

dgboiler said...

Human sexuality is far more complex than most people think. 'Gay', 'Straight' & 'bi' are convenient labels that we have made to give it's ambiguity some form. It's a gross over simplification to call homosexuality a 'preference'.

It is an inbuilt feature, something that you were born with, hardly close to being a 'preference'.